山东通达仪表科技有限公司(Shandong Tongda Instrument Technology Co., Ltd)
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网站建设:中企动力潍坊 鲁ICP备05012100号-1
The UQD floating ball liquid level transmitter consists of a measurement part and a signal controller part. The measurement part consists of a torque balance mechanism composed of a floating ball, a balance bar, and a balance hammer. The floating ball will rise and fall according to the changes in liquid level, and the controller will output corresponding standard signals accordingly. It can be widely used for iquid level measurement in various media and is an ideal instrument for the petroleum, chemical, metallurgical, and power industries.
□ 公称压力:≤6.3MPa
Nominal pressure
□ 工作温度:-30℃~+450℃(≥225℃带散热片)
Working temperature
□ 测量精度:1.5级
Measurement accuracy
□ 介质密度差:≥0.55g/cm^3
Medium density difference
□ 浮球直径:Φ230mm
Floating ball diameter
□ 安装法兰:DN250
Installation flange
□ 供电:12~30VDC
Power supply
□ 输出:4-20mA+Hart
□ 防爆等级:ExiaIICT4-T6 和ExdIICT4-T6
Explosion proof level