山东通达仪表科技有限公司(Shandong Tongda Instrument Technology Co., Ltd)
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网站建设:中企动力潍坊 鲁ICP备05012100号-1

The UQZ type floating ball liquid level transmitter consists of magnetic floating balls, measuring conduits, measuring elements, circuit units, junction box shells, and installation parts. The floating ball changes synchronously with the liquid level, and through magnetic coupling, the resistance inside the sensor changes linearly. Then, the converter converts the resistance change into a current and amplifies it to a 4-20mA two-wire standard signal output, achieving remote detection and control of the measured liquid level. The measuring element adopts advanced magnetoresistive magnetic switch, which is stable and reliable, with strong anti-interference ability. The transmission circuit has a modular structure, and the measurement accuracy of the entire series is within 5mm.

□ 测量范围:0~22000mm 内由用户任意选择,特殊长度可定制。
Measuring range
□ 输出信号:4~20mADC +HART二线制标准信号
Output signal
□ 准确度: ±1.5mm 、±2.5mm、±5mm可选
□ 工作压力:≤2.5MPa(2.5MPa以上可另行设计)防腐型≤0.6MPa
Working pressure
□ 测量介质条件:介质粘度:≤1.25St
Measurement medium conditions
□ 介质温度:-40~+125℃
Medium temperature
□ 环境温度:-40~+60℃
Ambient temperature
□ 接液材质: 304、316L、 聚四氟乙烯等
Liquid receiving material
□ 供电电压:24VDC
Supply voltage
□ 出线口接头:M20 X 1.5(内)
Outlet connector
□ 接线盒外壳防护:IP65
Terminal box housing protection
□ 法兰连接:法兰或3/4″ BSPT(可选NPT)
Flange connection
□ 防爆等级:ExiaIICT4-T6和ExdIICT4-T6
Explosion proof level
□ 防护等级:IP65
Protection level